Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for people receiving unpaid care

Wrexham Carers Lead Officer Consultation - Questions for people receiving unpaid care

Why are we doing this?: 

This consultation was commissioned by Wrexham County Borough Council and its remit has been to ascertain the views of key stakeholders about services for unpaid carers in Wrexham County and the views of professionals in this field on the need for a Carers Lead Officer for Wrexham

What we found out: 

Our findings are included in the attached report.../UploadedFiles/Wrexham-Council-Carers-Consultation-Report-2022-En.pdf

What difference has it made?: 

There is a need for coordination across Adult Services and Children’s Services. There is also a need to have a focal point to gather together the relevant information and knowledge in order that people can be helped in a timely and effective way rather than being passed from one officer to another. 



Consultation start date 25 March 2022
Consultation end date 30 April 2022