Data Protection

The information you provide will be treated confidentially, in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation. Any data provided by you will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act and in its provision, you consent to the Council processing the data for the purpose for which it is obtained.

Any personal information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used by the Council or disclosed to others for a legally permissible purpose.

We use consultation and engagement activities to ask to you have your say on a range of topics. We want everyone in our community to have the chance to join the discussion about the services we design and deliver; and to help shape the future of Wrexham County Borough.

The thoughts you share with us will be used to inform this consultation. We may also share anonymous feedback in the future to help shape other Council and partner consultations and services, to inform work we deliver together. This may help us avoid asking the same or similar questions many times. We hope by taking this approach the future of services in Wrexham will be more focussed on what matters most to the people of Wrexham.

226 day(s) left to

Wrexham Woodland Pledge

Wrexham Woodland Pledge

Why are we doing this?: 

Trees and woodlands are an essential part of our towns and countryside. They are important for our health, wellbeing and quality of life. We cannot take their future for granted.

Climate change, pests and diseases, building development, modern agricultural practices and misplaced perceptions of risk are just some of the problems that threaten our trees.

At Wrexham Council we have developed the ‘Woodland Pledge’ to help protect trees and woodlands across the county borough. The pledge also encourages people to get outdoors to enjoy trees and woodlands in their neighbourhood.

What do we want to know?: 
  • We want to know how the people of Wrexham feel about trees and woodlands in their county.
  • We want people to demonstrate their support for trees and woodlands in Wrexham by signing up to the pledge .
  • We want to encourage everyone to join, including those who are part of a local business, community group or organisation.
  • By signing up to the pledge you will join our mailing list, where you can find out how to get involved in 4 different ways:

1. Woodland creation

Tree planting to create new woodland or expand existing woodlands throughout Wrexham. Help us plant more trees by joining one of our tree planting schemes across the county.

2. Woodland conservation

Protect and enhance areas of existing woodland for biodiversity, climate change recovery and good quality habitat.

3. Woodland celebration

Allow nature connection within woodlands for health, wellbeing, play and education.

4. Woodland commendation

Understand how valuable trees and woodlands are to our everyday lives.

Consultation start date 25 July 2022
Consultation end date 30 December 2024


Full address Contact Email
LL11 1AR
Rachel Penman rachel.penman@