Wrexham CBC Draft Flood Risk Management Plan

Wrexham CBC Draft Flood Risk Management Plan

Why are we doing this?: The Flood Risk Regulations 2009 placed a responsibility on Lead Local Flood Authorities to develop a series of assessments, strategies and plans to manage Flood Risk at a local scale. Although there is no statutory obligation on Wrexham CBC to produce this plan, we have taken the opportunity to develop this plan to assist in providing a clear and consistent approach to managing flood risk across the County Borough.
What do we want to know?: To gather both stakeholder and public comments and opinion on the recently produced draft flood risk management plan and proposed objectives, measures and actions prior to Executive Board approval. See Consultation Document below.
What we found out: 

A public and stakeholder consultation on the draft Flood Risk Management Plan was undertaken for a 6 week period between 7 April and 12 May 2016. The consultation was made available publically through the yourvoicewrexham.co.uk website, with supporting press release and direct email correspondence to in excess of 100 Councillors, Community Councils and stakeholders. A total of 18 responses were received in relation to the consultation, with the majority of respondents considering the Flood Risk Management Plan did contain clear objectives for the future management of flood risk within the County Borough and highlighted the highest risks to the County Borough.

What difference has it made?: 

Minor amendments have been incorporated into the plan, including an additional action plan to review and provide clarity with regards to the use, availability and distribution of sandbags. A summary of the consultation questionnaire and responses received is contained within Appendix D (http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/assets/pdfs/flooding/flood_risk_management_plan.pdf) of the final flood risk management plan, this also considers responses to individual submissions.

Consultation start date 05 April 2016
Consultation end date 13 May 2016